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Fig. 7 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 7

From: Production and characterization of melanin pigment from black fungus Curvularia soli AS21 ON076460 assisted gamma rays for promising medical uses

Fig. 7

Bioassay of melanin produced by Curvularia soli AS21 ON076460. a The antioxidant activity by DPPH and NO. b The antiviral against HSVI and Vero cells rep Curvularia soli AS21 ON076460resented as cell viability (%) of viral cells. Melanin has considered cytotoxicity against the HSV1 and melanin has not cytotoxic action on normal Vero cells. (c) Cytotoxicity against Hfb4, McF, and A431 cells. Melanin does not apply cytotoxic effects on the tested cell lines. IC50 value of melanin pigment against Hfb4, Mcf7 and A431 cell lines are 350 ± 0.23, 84.23 ± 0.094 and 89.96 ± 0.16 µg/mL, and d wound healing activity of melanin toward human skin epithelial cells. Cell migration efficiency decreased with increased melanin concentration. The wound edges were enclosed by 63.04 ± 1.83% compared with the control (68.67 ± 1.10%) within 48 h. The results were plotted as mean values. Error bars represent the SD. According to Duncan’s multiple range test, the same letters represented not significant difference at p < 0.05

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